Starting A Trendy Business You're Not Familiar With.

William Ceaser
Most overnight "I need to leave this job entrepreneurs" are looking for business models that create instant gratification. Spending their days scrolling through Instagram & Facebook posts, inspired by online Gurus with big fortunes & cars, approaching it with that "why not me attitude". If it works for them, it'll work for me too. Only to be let down, highly discouraged and out of another $19.95 for information they'll never take advantage of. 
The know-it-all entrepreneurs think they can do anything they see someone else do. Not knowing anything about the business, what they're getting themselves into, only the fact that the business seems like it makes money. They say "it's more than one way to skin a cat", sorry for that quote - to all my cat lovers out there, I think I got that from a fortune cookie from my favorite Chinese restaurant. 
 Lol... Let's get back into it, trending business models are based on the belief that someone made money from an idea and in turn they make most of their money selling that same idea to you. You know that "You To Can Be Like Me" for just pennies on the dollar. Some of us will learn fast, make the best of this overnight success, and leaving the rest of us questioning the fact if we're idiots or not - finding ourselves moving on to the next big thing.
Your transition from the workplace-to-entrepreneurship will be a bit easier, by understanding what you've mastered and what you know you're good at. When you're good at something people will let you know. Sorta like if you have a love for clothing or dress well, you'll be often complimented by people saying; "You look good all the time". This might inspire you to become a Stylist or Clothing Designer... and that's a great start into creating your own business. 
LOTÉ LIFE ENTREPRENEURSLike one of our early Loté Life Entrepreneurs; Brittanie Schofield who founded her own dress design company called: Unveiled By Brittanie. We would often have conversations about her leaving her job, starting her own company and why everyone is telling her that's not a good idea. Brittanie started off like most of us, on a job she hated, not feeling appreciated and not having the confidence to go-for-self. From the early days were she starting sewing her own clothes and altering her friends & families. She later landing a job at a local retail shop. She took this time to start mastering her skills and building her self-confidence. But, not loving altering men's clothing so much, she eventually moved on and took a job as a Alteration Manager at local bridal shop. After doing this for couple years, she developed a passion to take vintage wedding gowns and make them become the center of attention again.
In 2016, She & I created the name Unveiled By Brittiane, this is what Carrie Bradshaw would call; "The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself". Still working full time and running her business from home, it became overwhelming for her to do both. She opened up her own shop in 2017 and just celebrated her fifth year in business. Going from employee-to-business owner, building her company to well over six figures a year and tripling her net worth... Wow! 
Entrepreneurship is about the dreamers, the creatives and the ones that are driven by passion. It's not all painted with fancy cars and overnight success stories. 99% of us had to work hard, cry about it and then do it all over again. They say; "If you love your job, you'll never work a day in your life" and if you had the opportunity to visit Unveiled By Brittanie or had the pleasure of wearing one of her gowns - you'll definitely say; this is what she was meant to do.
This is not an attempt to discourage anyone from what they believe is possible. It's only designed to encourage you to believe in your own ideas. Business is about finding your passion, discovering what you love, what inspires you to be you and the knowledge you have to make it all possible. The Loté Way Of Life is about planning, planting your own seeds, giving them time to grow and pioneering your own fate. There are no perfect ideas, business plans or products, it's just the ones we choose to believe in. 

Loté Life is a culture, a lifestyle – a living, breathing ecosystem that thrives on innovative entrepreneurship and grows with every business success story.

- Charles W. "Ceaser" Graham II, CEO


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